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2001-08-10 9:17 p.m.
Here I am, standing all alone.

Throughout my childhood, I was plagued by a vicious nursery rhyme conjured up to torment lonely children... "What rhyme is this?" you ask. The Farmer in the Dell. While jogging down Memory Lane, images came back of playing this game in early elementary school where the teacher would pick a farmer, who had to pick a wife, who had to pick a child, who had to pick a nurse, who had to pick a cow, who had to pick a dog, who had to pick a cat, who had to pick a rat, who had to pick the cheese, who had to STAND ALONE! I wasn't asking for the world. Did I expect to ever be the wife; no. Did I expect to be the child or even the nurse; no. What about the cow; expect is too strong a word... I would just hope. But being me, I always got picked to be the cheese who had to stand all alone which, in turn, ended up being the story of my life. Poor Sara who stands alone. Much thanks to Miss Mott's kindergarten class for ruining my life.

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