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2001-09-14 3:17 p.m.
I'm definitely not into freakin'.

I am always complaining that no boys ever hit on me. Well my wish came true. A few nights ago, a friend and I wandered into a local porn shop while site seeing in San Fransisco. As I was reading... *cough*... a magazine, a very lovely boy (who happened to be about 65 years old with no teeth) pinned me up against the wall, put his lips up to my cheek as he held me down, and repeatedly asked "Are you into freakin'?"... Just as magical and romantic as I had always imagined! Did I reply with, "Yes! Yes, I'll go steady with you!"... No; instead, I hyperventilated. For some reason, getting hit on by boys is not as much fun as I had imagined and I was left with disappointment.

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