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2001-09-22 6:10 p.m.
Squeegee my balls.

Oh, the maturity of young men! Last night while all of my boyfriends were wrapping packaging tape around random parts of their bodies only to shriek when they ripped off inconceivable amounts of hair, I concluded that no matter what age they might be, when together in a social group, every boy acts the age of 10. Not only did they keep the tape with the hair still attached, they adhered them to my kitchen wall along with belly button lint. The most frightening thing about this occurance... it pales in comparison to other enactments of maturity these men (ages 20 to 24) are reputable for:

-pretending corndogs are their penises

-writing "Turbo Dildo" on fridgidaires in alphabet magnets

-urinating on their enimies' car door handles

-doing the nasty with statues

-daring us to give them head in a game of "T or D"

- and using the following phrases:

"Gobble a dick" and "Squeegee my balls"

Any ladies out there interested? Drop me a line and I'll give you the furthering connections.

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