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2001-10-22 1:56 p.m.
Bad fashion in the ER.

One might think that my roommate's illness and trip to the Emergency Room last night were just a front for our hospital supplies theft scam. Well, Mr. One is wrong. The 2 hospital gowns, vomit tray, 8 tongue depressers, 24 pairs of rubber gloves, 4 eye droppers, 5 pouches of lubricant, and many needles of various sizes were just a bonus accompanying our pleasant trip to the ER.

Highlighted moment of our excursion: After the nurse had filled assorted vials with Becca's blood, she happened to have about half a cup left over. So I jokingly said, "Can we keep the extra blood?" After my previous joke about the hospital gown not matching Becca's shoes, the nurse was definitely not my #1 fan. Sigh. Nobody appreciates good humor.

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