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2001-11-12 3:52 p.m.
Sara Chopstick Hands obstructs crime.

The most proud of myself I have ever been: Approximately a month ago, I exited my apartment and made the long and tedious journey all ten steps to my car only to find a strange man sitting in my driver's seat. As I opened the door, realizing that I had company, I calmly said hello. When Mr. Car-Thief returned my greeting, I inquired, "Could you stop stealing my car, please?" He then procceeded to give me a lame excuse as to why he was in my car; but alas, I interrupted him by saying, "Hey, Guy... I know you're trying to steal my car. I promise I won't call the police if you just quit it now." At that point, he sighed and quickly got out of the car, leaving me alone. I was really lucky that he was not armed.

The second most proud of myself I have ever been: Approximately three nights ago upon entering Mai's Vietnamese Restaurant, I transformed from the Sara everyone has grown to know and love into Sara Chopstick Hands. My use of chopsticks has always brought about amazed faces; however, I have never gone so far as to pick up another set of chopsticks with the set already in my hand and eat with latter of the two pair.

So even though I am not able to fuse metal with my bare hands or even do common magical tricks such as study in order to do well on a test, atleast I can stop car thiefs and do my chopsticks bit. Way to go me!

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