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2002-02-08 3:35 a.m.
Sponsored by Latex condoms... America's condom of choice.

"If you have a prob with your friend or loverrrrr, there's one place you can go. LOVE PHONES! You can ask anything that you waaaaant to know. Just pick up the phone and dial 800..... 9467234! Now..... heeeeere's Jagger and Drrrrr. Judy!"

Yes, this is the place all of us junior high kids would come to learn everything we ever wanted to know (or not) about sex, weeknights from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. on 107.5 The Buzz. Subjects ranged from "My brother has sex with chickens and I'm jealous" to "Sometimes I rub peanut butter on my clit and let my ferret eat me out." It shocked us. It intrigued us. And most of all, it gave us material to gossip about in 7th grade homeroom. I recently became reacquainted with this program as I discovered from the depths of my closet a book purchased in my early adolescent years titled "Generation Sex," authored by the hosts of this exquisite show. I felt it was my duty to share the most ludicrous of all the questions ever asked in the history of time. However, I also felt obligated to warn against progressing further into this entry to anyone of the ill-stomached...

"Dear Jagger and Dr. Judy, when I eat my girlfriend out, she likes me to vomit rice into her vagina. I like Uncle Ben's with curry. She prefers Minute Rice with grains and peas. Is there something wrong, because when I put my penis in with the vomited rice, it comes out chafed? Also, what brand of rice would you recommend?"

Wow. Without the plethora of helpful tips from this (now-extinct) highly educational show, I wouldn't know what to do incase I ever got myself into a messy situation such as the rice, peanut butter, or chicken senarios.

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