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2002-04-30 3:48 a.m.
Come and get me, kidney stones.

Listening to my peers' anecdotes pertaining to their horrific medical experiences has lead me to become a kidney-stone-a-phobic. Not only have I been taking extra precautions, but have recently rearranged my entire life to accomodate the remedies of this hazardous health obstacle. According to a noteable source, one in fear of acquiring kidney stones should drink a modest amount of cranberry juice daily; therefore, I've been downing approximately two glasses each morning. (This is quite a feat for someone who would rather eat her own vomit every day for the rest of her life rather than drink this wretched fruit nectar). In honor of my hatred for this particular liquid refreshment, this morning, it was suggested that I try and trick myself into thinking that I am drinking a beverage more fun and pleasant. So I transferred my juice from cup to martini glass and adorned it with a toothpick umbrella. Unfortunately, all this accomplished was me getting vomit up my nose as I laughed hysterically at the umbrella whilst gagging up my cranberry juice. Back to the drawing board...

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