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2002-08-17 5:44 p.m.
I spy something low class.

The 2.5 hours spent sitting in my car for AAA was plenty enough time for Becca and I to practice handling boredom. In that time frame, we played a mean game of "I Spy"... including "I spy something FedEx," "I spy something tree," and "I spy something Jahova's Witness." Becca also informed me of which aquaintances of ours make the list of being the Bargain Mart of people.

Praise the lord that my AAA Road-side Assistant called me "baby girl" as he was offering to carry my car on his back and listening to a song with lines resembling "Let's do it. We'll get nasty and dirty. Yeah. And drink some Cristal. Then I'll fuck you again. Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah, Baby."... Otherwise, our event would have been a total loss.

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