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2002-09-18 10:55 a.m.
West Nile outbreak at the movies.

Olivia and I grew concerned with our peers� lack of familiarity with common fatalities. Therefore, in an act of pure selflessness, as we entered the theater of a slightly less than mediocre movie, we sat a $0.99 blue jay (from our local Hobby Lobby) one row in front of us. As the tightly packed viewers scoured the rows for seats and would yonder into our trap, we�d yell out �Don�t you see the blue jay?! It could have the West Nile Virus! Everyone flee the theater!�

I don�t understand why our plan failed. The blue jay was so life-like. Sigh. Maybe next time we shall acquaint them with AIDS by piercing through their skin with dirty syringes.

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