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2002-12-03 10:42 p.m.
My most personal entry.

This morning, as I lay my stiff body on an impersonal table, cold instruments pressed into the depths of my vaginal cavities. It was then that my gynecologist initiated a conversation. With her head peering out from betwixt my legs, she inquired, �Where�d you get your cute shoes!?� Completely shocked, I finally stumbled out, �..... Umm..... Payless.� She then asked, �Do they come in brown?� At which point I said, �..... Uh..... Could..... we..... talk about this later?�

Not the right time, lady. At least she closed my visit by telling me that if there were an award for cleanest cunt, I�d be the first recipient. I should make myself a ribbon and pin it to my cardigan everyday.

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