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2003-01-17 1:39 a.m.
Haha. You said "wiener!"

Journeying past Wiener�s bargain department store, Julie pointed out that this fine establishment was soon to be going out of bid-niss. It was then that I suggested thieving the illuminating letters from the top of the building, only to declare an innovational word on the exterior of our apartment. �Ok, what could we spell using a W, I, E, N, E, R, and an S?� We thought long and hard. NEWS; no. WINE; no. IRENE; no. Following approximately four minutes of completely silent, intense thought and debate, Jesus tapped us on the shoulders. Simultaneously, we both exclaimed, �Oh my god! WIENER!�

Two college English majors and we came up with �WIENER.� Sheer genius.

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