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2002-03-18 1:40 a.m.
You're the next contestant!

Welcome to the 1st ever annual "Date With Sara Nosh Contest!" All you have to do to enter is send an email titled "Date Contest" to [email protected] including the following information:

1) Name

2) Age

3) Hobbies

4) A reason why I should pick you

5) Your best pirate joke

6) Any additional comments

No picture is necessary. Emails will be opened on Friday, March 22 where I (and council) will meet in private, debate your personality flaws, and select a winner. Contest winner shall be notified within 12 hours after the meeting and is obligated to pay for the date. Only one email per person please. Have fun with your email and good luck!

Disclaimer: You shall be automatically disqualified if any of your answers start out with "So this one time, I was trippin' balls and..." I am also not responsible for your transportation to and from the date if incase you reside outside of Houston, Tx.

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