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2001-10-08 7:24 p.m.
Pants Dance.

I'm a fucking loser. If I were not me, I am almost positive I would not be my friend. Therefore, I decided I would have "Sara's Best Friends Appreciation Week," in which I will dedicate each day this week to someone special to me. Today's stud: Pantelones.

Pants is my best friend. His "Movie Nazi" persona leads people to believe him to be a pretentious bastard. It's true. However, he is also one of the most lovely boys I've ever met. Even though he used to get called a faggot back when he was in high school, I see that there is more to him than a squeamish, fragile pansy. He is a sexy, talented writer with a keen fashion sence and a knack for creating new emo dances such as "eating dinner," "watching tv," and my personal favorite "the unicycle." He is also terrific at picking up ferret poop off of the floor and in a very un-annoying way, mispronounces words such as "napkin" and "sandwich" by referring to them as "nakkin" and "sammich." Pants, I salute you with a stream of silent "Fuck you"s.

Famous Quote from Pants:

Me: (As he was squeezing a pillow of mine that much resembles an olive in a manner to which the shape of the pillow was being warped) You're squeezing my olive the wrong way!

Pants: Baby, I know all the right ways to sqeeze your olive!

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