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2001-11-17 11:21 p.m.
The unheroictivity of attractive people.

A while ago, Julie and I frequented our local eatery only to acquire a waiter who happened to be as conventionally attractive as a Ken doll. We were able to conclude that based on physical appearance alone, we loathed his presence. Since our placed order for the evening happened to consist of only a basket of chips and salsa, we felt ashamed when our check arrived and pondered leaving this attendant a tremendous tip to make up for our meager bill and his sensational waiting skills. This idea was shortly aborted because, based on his charming physique, the two of us determined that our waiter most probably had high self esteem regarding his exterior presentation. Instead, we decided to void him of tip completely, so he wouldn't think that we thought that he was cute..... It seemed justified at the time.

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