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2001-12-24 11:47 p.m.
Change of Address.

All time worst presents I've ever received:

#5: A coin collection-- Just because I have no friends does not mean I take up lame hobbies.

#4: A t-shirt uttering the verbage "One by one, penguins are stealing my sanity!"-- With this shirt, a navel peircing, and a NIN album, my friends can call me a "Freak!"

#3: A $75 gift certificate to the GAP- Sweatshops are sooo 5 years ago!

#2: A fake skinned zebra back rug-- I almost vomitted on it before I got a chance to exchange it.

#1: A Tommy Hilfigger tank top-- I frequented various stores selling Tommy merchandise with no avail. One sales clerk actually said to me, "We can't take this back! It's from last season!"... I finally just hid it under a pile of sweaters at a department store to rid myself of the responsibility of its disposal.

Perhaps I should send Santa a "Change of Address Form" so I won't have to keep coming back to my parents' house to pretend to be thrilled upon opening these horrid gifts.

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