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2002-06-06 7:34 p.m.
Age-defying teeth.

I have come to the realization that morning is not my most alert period of each day. Earlier, as I reached in the cupboard to fetch a glass so that I could fill my cranberry juice quota for the day, I suppose I must have unknowingly grasped a plate instead. Consuming cranberry juice is bad enough; imagine having this wretchedly sticky fruit juice pouring all over the counter and floor, as well as down my legs. I was then reminded of the time I poured an entire bottle of Scope on my head thinking it was hairspray, minutes before I was scheduled to leave for school... and how it pales in comparison to the time I slathered a tube full of concealer all over my toothbrush rather than the toothpaste it was intended for. Oh, the scatterbrained life I lead!

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