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2002-07-04 11:00 p.m.
4'11" and born in the U.S.A.

Holding the title of Genetic Freak just might be your ticket into the "in-crowd," kiddos. After years of torment from our peers, Olivia and I have agreed on creating a club all of the non-winners can call home. That's right; we're tired of hearing "You have to sit on a pillow in order to see over the dashboard?!" (in my case) and "Do you have to duck to fit through doorways?" (for the voluptuous Olivia). The name of our club, you ask? "The Under 5 ft. Slash Over 6 ft. Club." However, we were forced into changing the criteria to fit the male gender as well. (Girls: 4'11" and under & 6'1" and over... Boys: 5'2" and under & 6'4" and over.) If you fall under (or over! Haha! I crack myself up!) either category, send an email right over to be reviewed for our club.

In your email, send suggestions for a better club name. We gots to represent in style... Oh! And, just to spice it up, you'll get a couple extra pizzazz points if the title makes some reference to a Bruce Springsteen song.

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