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2002-11-20 9:56 p.m.
Nice pecan.

Approximately 20 minutes ago, my roommate brought up the time I dragged her across Texas to a shitty town in the middle of nowhere only to see �The World�s Largest Pecan.� After driving several hours, we exited our vehicle and I inquired the rhetorical question, �That�s it?� At which point Julie yelled, �What the fuck did you expect, Sara?! It�s a fucking pecan! I can�t believe I let you bring me all the way out here for this!�

Come Christmas break, she�ll be in for a real treat� I have a trip to St. Claire�s Miniature Horse Farm in store. Can you think of anything more exciting than driving blank-hundred miles to see a pack of tini freak horses raised by nuns?

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