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2002-11-26 1:06 p.m.
Heart Shaped Box... full of oregano.

As a result of Greg�s suggestion, today�s Biology lecture was filled with an ass-kicking note writing session. Not since 7th grade has such excitement and adrenaline pumped through my veins due to the thrill of refraining from being caught passing notes by the teacher. I haven�t felt this puerile in years.

I do feel obligated to mention, however, that while in Junior High, my notes looked like this:

Hey Greg, �Generic �head-banger� boy� asked me to ditch class and go shoplifting with him. Do you think he likes me? I would have said yes, but my mom grounded me for smoking oregano again� Just in time for the NIN concert! Anyways, meet me at the mall tonight. I�ll be dressed goth. Bye. P.S.- �I�ve been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap. I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black.� R.I.P. KURT!

Today�s note, 8 years later, looked more like this:

Hey Greg, That stinks that your daughter got sick last night. Are you and your wife still going to the Har Mar show tomorrow? I�ll see you at the pot-luck vegan dinner later, if I don�t decide to take a nap instead. Bye.

On second thought, maybe I do feel old.

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