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2003-02-21 7:46 a.m.
Helen of Pirates' Cove.

Let�s tally it up, shall we?� This week, I have been called:

Enid from Ghost World: 2 times.

A cuntface: 2 times.

Helen of Troy in the emo kid world: 1 time. (All together now: �Aww. He�s too good to you, Sara.�)

A jailbird: 8 times.

Kelly Osborne: So many goddamn times I�ve lost count. I bet now it�s in the 60�s though.

And �the birthday girl�: 4 times� It seems I�ve been fake-birthdaying so many restaurants for the free cake lately, they�re starting to catch on. By now, I�m about 96 years old. Whoops.

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