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2003-02-25 4:02 a.m.
Elope-ification across the nation (literally)!

Wow! My weekend is official over at 4:02, this lovely Tuesday morning. For those inquiring minds, here�s the summation: In a fit of misanthropic boredom, Jack and I decided it would be really funny to drive to Las Vegas and get married. That�s right. We got hitched, kids!

On top of �You�re too young. You just met this guy. You're not knocked up. You still make out with other boys, etc.� one might argue, �Well, Sara, couldn�t you have found a place in H-town to unite your undying love?� And to that, I would retaliate, �I suppose. But it wouldn�t be very convenient, considering that our honeymoon transpired at all of the following locations: the Hoover Dam, the Davey Crockett memorial, the Buddy Holly museum, the Grand Canyon, and (prepare yourself so you don�t wet your pants!�) Billy the Kid�s tombstone!�

So pass on the �CONGRATS!� We still have a year to get it annulled. (I know what you're thinking... "Annulled?! You tied the knot 2 days ago and already you're thinking about annullment?!" Well I kind of married him for his money. But he can't be expecting his trophy wife to stick around when that $28 runs out!)

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