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2003-03-04 6:59 p.m.
We livin' ghetto fab.

Upon frequenting our local Best Buy today in regards to purchasing the Osbournes DVD, Lorah and I made a quick stop at the washing machines. When our Best Buy sales representative inquired if we were in need of any assistance, we questioned if that particular washer came with email. We then took it to the next level as we suggested that it would be even more impressive if there were a way to network the machine to my computer so I�d get an instant message when my clothes were done. Our sales rep was none too impressed. It�s his loss. Picture how cool it�d be to get this greeting:

MaytagCutie69: Your clothes have currently finished the drying process. Now you�ll be iced out like an Eskimo, Sara. Or should I say Miss Nosh since you�re nastay!?!

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