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2001-10-10 3:45 p.m.
Greg Keg.

The sexy beast that won over my heart, leading me to dedicate this entry of "Sara's Best Friends Appreciation Week" to him, is The Amazing Greg Brady Ryan Shull!

Greg is my best friend. He is perhaps the only boy willing to accomodate me by playing coutless hours of Dream Phone; however, his telephone date-making skills pale in comparison to how he is able to show everyone up at a game of Star Wars Trivial Persuit. Although extremely brilliant when it comes to sci-fi facts and quotes, Greg knows nothing dealing with common knowledge such as what the Water Wall is after living in Houston for nearly twenty years. Greg enjoys good movies, flying across country to see his favorite bands, and eating salad as he reflects on how much he enjoys life. He once asked me to be his date to the Oscars after his aspirations of becoming a film maker extraordinaire take off. Greg is the only boy who has ever pinned me (with his Funco. Land name tag) and also the only boy who has ever passed out on me. Greg, all I can say to you is "Goddamn you one-quarter Indian boys. You do it to me every time."

Famous Quote from Greg:

Greg: Q: What did the one-eyed pirate say to the mermaid? A: Isn't it cliche that I only have one eye?

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