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2001-10-11 6:13 p.m.
Kevi Chevy.

Today's shout out for "Sara's Best Friends Appreciation Week" is dedicated to Kevi!

Kevi is my best friend slash boyfriend. His masculinity never ceases to impress my socks off. Not only does Kevin know how to work on cars, but his bulging biceps ripple out of his collared Penguin shirts. Standard ice cream bowls are not enough for this stud; his manly appetite calls for MANLY SIZED ice cream bowls. He has gotten in trouble before by pretending to punch the fuck out of my face when we're in public after jokingly yelling at me to get him a beer, and he can also do this really neat trick where it looks like he is wearing a shirt when he really is not because his farmer tan is so bad from riding on his vespa. He is definately my dreamboat. Kevi, can we make spoons?

Famous Quote from Kevi:

(Set up for this situation: Kevi knows everything about everything)

Me: Kevi, tell me all you know about plastic. GO!

Kevi: This could take hours!

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