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2001-12-19 8:19 p.m.
Atleast I can't get mono again.

I praise my lucking stars that the end of this tragic, gruesome week has arrived. To sum it up for my readers, it would be consequential for me to explain about Becca moving out into a place of her own and leaving me by myself in this vast apartment until Julie's arrival after Christmas. I would be obligated to say that because of her transit and reassigning the location of electricity, I was without light, air, computer, etc. for 4 days. And it would be necessary for me to clarify that since this is finals week, I was studying for mega laborious exams via flashlight. To top it off, all of my eatables spoiled in the fridgidaire, I've barely been speaking to Kevin due to our "harsh times," and my living room was ransacked badly in Becca's move by an unknown party. The horrors of this week are extraordinarily parallel to this same week last year when I also was busy with finals, had no money to eat for 5 days, worked 58 hours on top of school, my fiance broke up with me after a 4.5 year relationship, and I was in the early stages of mono.

I can't wait until this week next year! I'm already looking forward to hanging myself by the blades of my ceiling fan.

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